What is Systolic Array?

Systolic array is a specific type of parallel computing. An organization of processors in an array where information flows contemporaneously crossways the array amongst neighbors, generally with diverse information flowing in diverse directions is known as systolic array.

Systolic array is a grid like arrangement of particular processing rudiments that processes information just as a n-dimensional pipeline. Contrary to a pipeline though, the input data as well as fractional outcomes stream through the array. It generally has an excessive rate of input/output and are suitable for comprehensive parallel operations. Furthermore, information can run in a systolic pattern at various speeds in various directions.

In systolic array numerous processors are connected by short wires which results in improved speed as compared to other types of parallelism which lose speed through their connection. Every processor at every phase obtains information from one or more neighbors, processes it and, in the next phase, produces outcome in the contrary direction.

Some special features of systolic array are its exceptionally high speed, effortlessly scalable structural design and its ability to perform various tasks which single processor machines cannot accomplish. But some of the drawbacks are that it is very expensive, hard to develop and implement and not required for most of the applications due to its highly specialized nature.

Category: Parallel Computing

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