Questions and Answers

What is a Splash Page?

Do you know what a splash page is? Well, it is the website page in which the user sees right before getting into the option of continuing into the main content of the website. A splash page is being used to promote a certain company, product or services or being used to inform all of the users about the kind of browser or software needed in order to see the entire pages of the website. Some of the splash pages would actually bring up the user into the main website in an automatic way and some would need the user to click up on the link that would surely load the main page. Some of the advantages of splash pages are:

• Loads fast and they get the entire information in a faster way even without the need to scroll.
• The splash pages make it sure that all of your readers would be able to see your flash or animation even once.
• Splash pages are a good way in showing off your work just like how portfolio does it.
• Splash pages would let your readers to choose the website technology that fits into them.

Splash pages is a good thing that you could have for your website, not to mention that it could also be created by you.

What is a Squeeze Page?

In the vernacular of online advertising ad internet, the squeeze page is a kind of page on the web containing information that will definitely interest the targeted readers of every marketer. These squeeze pages are being designed to get the name and the email address details of the reader by mainly encouraging the users to choose an email list in order to receive more information regarding the topic. The marketers will then collect the emails and information which is based upon the information. This is taken in order to follow up at a much later date.

These days, there is some debate regarding the actual definition of these squeeze pages. Some even consider landing ages that would offer up additional hyperlinks to the information and email that are in being signed up to be the squeeze page. However, some people who are standing in the same industry only believe those pages that contain an email sign up are also squeeze pages. In a simple sense, the best definition about what squeeze pages really are is that, it is a page being designed to get the email addresses and names, with the Opt-in form, wherein the potential customer should fill in.

What is Synchronous and Asynchronous Message Passing?

The synchronous functioning obstructs the treatment until the process is finished. The conception or idea of a synchronous system needs a comprehension related to its functionality. While the process takes place, the transmitter and the recipient are in an assignation. There are certainly two benefits of synchronous, one of which states that the judgments and conclusions related to the system can be reduced to the fundamental parts. The other significance is that the act of buffering is not a necessity. The idea or information is invariably saved on the recipient’s periphery.

An asynchronous functioning is considered as non-blocking and it exclusively begins the act or process of operating and functional. It offers a greater condition or quality of being parallel. Due to the fact that the system cannot be closed, so it can undertake the method of computing, during the time when the information is in the act of passing over. It is quite beneficial because the recipient and the transmitter can intersect the result of computing, for the reason that they do not rest in expectation for one another. The device that is essential in asynchronous mights create some issues, once it reaches to its limit.